Executing a Saved Find

You can view and select Saved Finds in several ways:

Tip: You can have Portfolio automatically perform a Saved Find when a Saved Gallery is opened. This allows you to also display any new records added (matching the Find criteria) since the last time the Saved Gallery was viewed.


To execute a Saved Find:

  1. Open the Find window to the Criteria tab.

  2. Choose the desired Saved Find from the Saved Finds pop-up menu.

  3. Click “Find.”

— or —

  1. Activate the Finds palette.

  2. Select the desired Saved Find from the Saved Finds list.

  3. Click the “Find” button.

    You can also double-click any entry on the list to execute the find.

— or —

  1. On the Toolbar, click and hold the Saved Finds button, then select the desired Saved Find from pop-up men.